

Looking to book a service?

We have many service providers available for you in real time or by appointment.

Our services

Grow your business with our on-demand services app!
  • Food Delivery
    Hungry? Order on the go. Find the local flavors you crave any time of the hour, at the tap of a button, and get it delivered at the doorstep.
  • Grocery Delivery
    Shop groceries online & get fresh food delivered as quickly as the same day. Seamless online grocery shopping and contactless home delivery at just a click of a button.
  • Moto Booking
    Best travel option for solo commuters. You will never have to wait for the buses in queues and pay the soaring fares. An affordable option for daily commute to book in few taps.

More Services

How it Works

Use Pick Deli's robust platform to find available service providers in real time or to book an appointment.
  • Login or Register

    To log in, use your social media credentials, mobile number or email address.

  • Choose service

    Choose the service you want to use, by credit card or through the app wallet.
  • Track your order

    As soon as you book a service, you can follow the order in real time on a geographical map and via in-app notifications.

  • It's done!!

    You are notified when the task is completed and the app will ask for your opinion and rating from the service provider.

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